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The Cenacle
of the Holy Family

In New York

From the suffering of Giovannimaria e

from that of his family, it was born in New York

in the Church of Santa Caterina da Siena

'the Cenacle of the Holy Family'.

The name, suggested by Father Jordan,

wants to express the way, chosen for those

who adhere to it, of an incessant prayer

for sick families, sick in body and spirit,

taking as model  

the Family of Nazareth.  

It was October 4, 2012.  

Here some faces

of the first mothers who with their  "beating hearts"

took service in the Cenacle.  

In Montagnana

October 4, 2015 

'the Cenacle of the Holy Family' begins,

with meetings of prayer and Eucharistic Adoration

led by the parish priest Don Renzo Zecchin.

Participants are invited to become missionaries for families in spiritual, moral and physical suffering, and to offer their prayer, closeness and friendship.

Cenacolo M .JPG

Prayer to Mary Mother of the Little ones was born in the hospital next to Giovannimaria in the years of his offered suffering;

the intercessory prayer for "the baddest" was a precise and insistent one

Gio's education to his mom in the last month of hospital.



Mother and Queen of all children, pray for them, especially for them

who suffer for our sins,

and pray for us to become your little ones for

the Holy Spirit.



Father, I ask you that the baddest ask forgiveness from Your Son on the Cross at least once with the spirit of the good thief,
I ask you according to the intentions and with the heart of Giovannimaria. Amen

Gio prayed a lot and invited others to pray, he gave precise instructions

of prayer and also said how to pray and for whom to pray.  

This Rosary, prayed in 'the Cenacle of the Holy Family',

with its particular intentions,

it is born in communion with the little ones of all times e

from the desire to become all the little ones of Jesus, like Gio.

The day before leaving this land, Gio reminds her mother of the house of Jesus in Nazareth and of the mosaic they were making on the Holy Family, which she had seen on her pilgrimage last Christmas.  On the day of Gio's ascent into heaven, a friend told me that she was in the Holy Land and

I reported Gio's words to her. 



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Committee "AMICI DI GIOVANNIMARIA lalucediGio" - CF: 95246670103
Piazzale Santo Bambino 1 (near the Sanctuary of the Bambino Gesù di Praga) - 16011 Arenzano (Genoa)
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