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Giovannimaria was a boy like any other- he laughed, got angry, played, cried, and joked in silly ways. But no prayerful person

that met him and saw his faith, courage and joy amidst his intense suffering could deny that Jesus so powerfully radiated from his soul. As his little body was dying, the Christ-light from his soul would shine from his eyes and smile as the sun shines through magnificent stained glass windows in a cathedral.

Amidst his conversations of a child, words of wisdom and love would impact even the most hardened hearts. No one could be with him without being encouraged, inspired, loved, and to wonder:

"why haven't I invited Jesus into my suffering and darkness as this boy has?"


"Unless the grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies it remains alone. But if it dies, it yields much fruit," Jesus said.

Giovannimaria died on the Holy Feast of Corpus Christi.

In this feast we celebrate the humility of Jesus of making Himself truly present in a piece of bread through the hands of the priest,

to then bear fruit in our souls. No one that knew and loved him was surprised in this divine plan.

Jesus became present in Giovannimaria, and not only in his life

but in his death, Jesus has brought us so much good fruit through him. We now thank this child and rejoice with him because he did it!


He fulfilled his mission in being a bridge of Heaven and earth during his life on earth, and now even more so as he lives on in our Abba's Kingdom, and through his prayers, sends us the graces of Heaven.

Giovannimaria, pray for us!

Father Enrique Salvo

Rector Saint Patrick Cathedral

New York

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